Photography has always captured persons attention. I remember when I was little looking at the National Geographic Magazines, and wondering how did they get those spectacular photos. Well, now I'm here, on a quest to capture photos that speak for themselves. Photos that will inspire, and take even the most simplest places and turn them into Moments that will last a life time.
Everyone who knows me, knows that I get straight to the point. So here is a Q&A about me.
Where were your Born?
How old are you?
a) Old enough to realize that life isn't just fun and games.
What do you enjoy doing?
a)Photography, Biking, Traveling, discussing current issues, Guitar, Eating, Driving, Cooking, filming.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
a) Firefighter, USAR(Urban Search & Rescue), Roofer, Business Owner, Web Designer, Pilot, Chef.
What do you like Photographing?
a) Nature, Landscapes, Macro, Cars, Firefighters.
What Programs do you use with your photographs?
a) Aperture and Photomatix.
To request more questions or schedule and interview please send me a message through the contact page.